May 13, 19971997 Johnston Ridge OpensThe U.S. Forest Service opens the Johnston Ridge Observatory five miles from the crater.
August 2, 2004Oct. 2, 2004 Evacuation of Johnston RidgeSustained tremors inside the mountain indicate movement of magma. The Forest Service evacuates visitors from Johnston Ridge Observatory.
September 23, 2004Sept 23, 2004 Flurry of EarthquakesThe mountain stirs with a flurry of earthquakes.
October 11, 2004Oct. 11, 2004 Lava EmergesLava emerges on the crater surface for the first time in 18 years.
January 16, 2005Jan. 16, 2005 Explosive EruptionA 17-minute explosive eruption destroys instruments inside the crater.
May 13, 19971997 Johnston Ridge OpensThe U.S. Forest Service opens the Johnston Ridge Observatory five miles from the crater.
August 2, 2004Oct. 2, 2004 Evacuation of Johnston RidgeSustained tremors inside the mountain indicate movement of magma. The Forest Service evacuates visitors from Johnston Ridge Observatory.
September 23, 2004Sept 23, 2004 Flurry of EarthquakesThe mountain stirs with a flurry of earthquakes.
October 11, 2004Oct. 11, 2004 Lava EmergesLava emerges on the crater surface for the first time in 18 years.
January 16, 2005Jan. 16, 2005 Explosive EruptionA 17-minute explosive eruption destroys instruments inside the crater.